Just sitting here looking at my frightful desk overflowing with paperwork to deal with and books to read.... yikes!!! I am trying my best to stay on top of things to be ready for my trip, but everyday I add new things to my to do list and none get crossed off, I guess skiing, snow shoeing, (horse shoeing as some call it, you know who you are ha ha..) tennis, hiking, movies and working out don't count, darn. Well maybe the workout since I do some pretty intense training to get in shape for my trekking when I arrive there. Well there is always tomorrow,or the next day or ... wait a minute have I become a procrastinator or could it be classified as laziness. I did sign my contract and send that off. I have to worry about tax return, bills, insurance, visa's, vaccinations, money, speeding ticket..Oops.. + a long list of other things. I am trying to come up with some productive ways to raise some funds for the orphanage and would really appreciate it if somebody could help me out with some brilliant ideas. It is just a privately run place and too small to be registered for Tax receipts. I guess I better stop writing and get some things crossed of my list.
Until next time
PS. Just a warning as you probably already noticed by now, I am not the best writer, so if it gets too boring please do let me know, and I will try to spice it up a little.
Tillykke med Foedselsdagen Inger!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHilsen fra Atlas, Andreas, Morten & Malou
What are you talking about, you are the BEST writer!!!
HI Inger
ReplyDeleteJeg haaber du har det godt, og kommet dig helt over din sygdom. Det er smadder sjovt/spaendende at laese om dine oplevelser, jeg checker hver dag om der er kommet noget nyt!
( undskld, at jeg ikke er bedre til at skrive til dig)
Her i lille Unionville gaar det godt, foraaret er paa vej vi har haft nogle dejlige dage med op til 25 grader....men saa ogsaa nogle dage med slud, ( og det forstaar boernene jo ikke)
Atlas er stadig en vildbasse....men meget glad og sjov, han siger masser af ord som starter med B ..bil, bog BAR ( far), bann ( banan) bad etc. Andreas har det osse godt, han er i fuld gang med fodbold stadig og glad for at komme paa rep. teamet igen. Morten tager til North Carolina imorgen i 12 dage, hans butik gaar fantastisk down town, saa han har smadder travlt.
Jeg taver mad mad mad.....love it! Jeg har startet et program med NIke+ on-line, hvor jeg traener til en halv marathon paa 12 uger, loeber 3 gange om ugen, jeg loeber med Lisa min nabo)
Dine blomster har det godt ( de fleste af dem) Drengene ser ud til at hygge sig i huset, der har ikke vaeret vilde fester endnu!
Jeg signer dig op til Tennis i denne uge early bird special $110.
KL. er 5am, saa nu maa jeg hellere proeve at sove igen.
Pas godt paa dig selv.
Malou & familie